A Holiday Hiatus for BerkshireDaily
For over a year, editor-in-chief Seth Rogovoy has been churning out BerkshireDaily, our free, five-days-a-week e-newsletter aggregating and originating news and feature content on the web from around the corner and around the world, singlehandedly and without fail. Which is why we thought it was time to give Seth a rest; BerkshireDaily, along with Seth, will take a two-week holiday hiatus beginning Monday, Dec. 27. The e-newsletter is expected to start back up again on Monday, January 10, 2011.
In the meantime, we wish Seth bon voyage and a safe trip to (and safe return from) England, or “Old England,” as Seth likes to call it (as opposed to our “New and Improved England”). Seth will be donning his hats as a world-renowned expert and author on Bob Dylan and klezmer music, as he delivers lectures, presentations, and concerts for audiences in London, Liverpool, and Warwick over the next two weeks. We’re holding his editor-in-chief hat hostage here at the Berkshire Living office to insure his timely return early next year.
Speaking of which, Berkshire Living’s offices will as always be closed for the week between Christmas and New Year’s, to allow our staffers a well-deserved (and much-needed) hiatus of their own. We’ll be back open for business on Monday, January 3, 2011.
Thanks for all of your kind words about BerkshireDaily and its sister offshoot, WeekendPreview (which will likewise take a break, until its expected reappearance on January 12, 2011). And thanks to those who during the past year took advantage of the opportunity to place their messages before our four-thousand-plus e-newsletter subscribers by purchasing advertising on these platforms, as well as on our website, www.berkshireliving.com. With your continued support, it is our fervent hope that we may continue providing these free services to our readers.
And finally, best wishes to all for a very happy holiday season and a happy new year.
Michael Zivyak
Founder and Publisher
Berkshire Living
Founder and Publisher
Berkshire Living
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