Danny Boyle's "Frankenstein" revisits Mary Shelley's Promethean legend for a new era

I had a real bad date last weekend, and now I'm going to tell you all about it. I was stuck in the new Elayne P. Bernstein Theatre at Shakespeare and Company in Lenox.
In its 17th season in the Berkshires, Close Encounters With Music offers up six innovative and captivating programs of chamber music, forty-five performers, and more than thirty composers at South County’s premier venue, the Mahaiwe Performing Arts Center in Great Barrington.
Hubbard Street Dance Chicago performs a dark and intriguing program to bring down the curtain on the summer season at Jacob's Pillow
Scrolls and ceramics in "Through the Seasons: Japanese Art in Nature," and modernist imagery and ideas in "Dove/O'Keeffe: Circles of Influence."
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Danny Boyle's "Frankenstein" revisits Mary Shelley's Promethean legend for a new era
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