HIKING: Gould Diggers
The roads to the top of mount greylock have reopened, and in October some two thousand hikers will resume the Columbus Day tradition of summiting the mountain via Cheshire Harbor Trail in Adams, Massachusetts. For the crowd-averse, a better bet that day?or any fall day?would be an ascent of the Gould Trail, which parallels Cheshire Harbor. Both of these eastern trails to the summit offer advantages to summiteers: they start at relatively high elevations and are relatively short when compared with approaches from other compass points. Gould is a bit longer (seven miles roundtrip; allow five to six hours for a relaxed outing, three to four if you are fit and speedy) and higher (2,200 feet of vertical gain) than Cheshire Harbor, but it?s quieter, less-eroded, and more scenic.
From downtown Adams, follow Maple Street west from the statue of William McKinley, then turn left on West Road. Turn right onto Gould Road to arrive at Greylock Glen and the trailhead. The scenery starts right at the parking lot next to pretty Gould Farm, with Mount Greylock and Ragged Mountain looming above; the first fifteen minutes of walking offer pleasant views of the mountains, farm fields, and Peck?s Brook. Later on, look for a hollowed-out den tree, and be sure to take the short side trail to the Peck?s Brook shelter, perched dramatically above the confluence of two roaring streams.
Best of all, there?s challenge to this Greylock ascent, but none of the cruelty that marks so many other routes up the mountain?s steeps. It?s all relentlessly uphill on the Gould Trail, with no flats or descents for relief, but it?s a steady and gentle climb with decent footing throughout. Mountain-goat types who enjoy the ?three-steps-and-rest? type of climb should look elsewhere.
Stuffing a windbreaker into your backpack is a good idea, as the summit is generally ten degrees cooler?and much breezier?than the trailhead. Bring your dog, too, if he or she is fit?dogs are welcome provided they are kept under voice control, but bring a leash, just in case.
Anyone who objects to retracing their steps on the way down can assay the Cheshire Harbor, Thunderbolt, or Bellows Pipe trails, but nothing beats Gould for pleasure on the east side of Mount Greylock. [SEPTEMBER 2009]
Tad Ames is president of Berkshire Natural Resources Council.
Mount Greylock State Reservation
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