Shameless Self-Promotion?
It's endlessly flattering to find Berkshire Living relics posted in local establishments, but even better is when the discovery is cloaked by an element of surprise.
Case in point: this cover blowup of our 2010 Food & Dining Issue--the one with that massive, mouthwatering burger from Bistro Zinc in Lenox, Mass.--posted in the bathroom (yup) of Betty's Pizza Shack* right around the corner, on Housatonic Street.
Then again, finding BL love here isn't too shocking; the two eateries are owned by the same parent group, which is also responsible for Frankie’s Ristorante Italiano and (my personal favorite) Fin Sushi and Sake Bar.
Anyway, learn more about Betty's--and the wonderful wide world of PIZZA in these parts--in our upcoming Seventh Annual Food & Dining Issue, April/May 2011.
*On a side note, how cool is that faux-bamboo wall treatment?